As the academic year begins, there are talented and hardworking children and teenagers who are unable to afford their educational needs. In order to bring hope and smile to these underprivileged students, Kimia Parvar Company has prepared 30 packages of stationery from its social responsibility budget. These packages, which include backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, crayons, shoes, clothes, food, vitamins, and other essentials, have been distributed among scholarship students supported by the company.


The distribution of these packages is aimed at catering to the specific educational level and needs of each student, ranging from elementary school to secondary school. Kimia Parvar Company recognizes that education is an invaluable opportunity for every student, and therefore, they strive to ensure that all students, regardless of their background, can equally benefit from this opportunity. It is a yearly initiative by the company to support students’ education and fulfill its social responsibility..

لوازم التحریر

It is important to note that Kimia Parvar Company’s support for needy students is not limited to a specific time period but continues throughout the academic year. The company’s managers aim to provide high-quality donation packages that can inspire and motivate students to pursue their studies and strive for a bright future. Donors who wish to contribute to these support projects and scholarships for students can contact us for coordination.